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Oatley Park Birdlife

Crimson Rosella in Oatley Park

  Some up-close and colourful shots of a Crimson Rosella, spotted in Oatley Park Reserve

Rainbow Lorikeets looking Serious

 Normally very chirpy and sociable birds - these two Rainbow Lorikeets, in Oatley Park, are looking very serious about something

Kookaburras Hunting in Oatley Park



A small bunch of Kookaburras in Oatley Park - gathered in a bush clearing near Lime Kiln Bay, for some group hunting and singing


Currawong in Oatley Park



A Currawong in Oatley Park - I enjoy their group singing, but often feel a sense of intense scrutiny from these birds, on my bushwalks through the park

Rainbow Lorikeet - Posing for Camera

  This Rainbow Lorikeet in Oatley Park seemed happy to see me - and not too shy to pose for the camera


Boganbird Mates in Oatley Park


Catching up with some of my boganbird mates in Oatley Park - this Sulphur-crested Cockatoo is either hanging around home, or getting up to some mischief with the gang


Eastern Rosella in Oatley Park

  An Eastern Rosella, in the bushy undergrowth at Mortdale - always on the lookout for these shy, flighty parrots in Oatley Park

Jolly Looking Kookaburra in Peakhurst

  Here's a very jolly looking Kookaburra in Peakhurst - with something work laughing about

Kookaburra Contemplating over a Meal

  A Kookaburra in Oatley Park at ground level - contemplating on snatching a morsel of food

Old Galah on the Golf Course


An aging but contented Galah in Mortdale - having a snack on the local golf course


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